I am a guy from Colombia who likes programming very much. As always, I'm really curious about all these technologies offer.
During the last years, I have dedicated to develop and innovate in technology software projects, contributing to their business development and
future expansion.
Three words to describe Jesus: innovative, accountable, and multifaceted. During our time working together, he showed those 3 characteristics, while we were developing a Desktop App, embracing uncertainty and finding solutions for a timely delivery. Thanks to that we managed to launch it successfully to the market, learned to use new technologies, and set the basis for other similar projects. He was also constantly researching and experimenting with new technologies and design tools. I would recommend him to any company that is not afraid of exploring the unknown and challenging the status quo!
Innovation and learning is his personal hallmark. He is always willing to give more than 100%. As a professional, he is open to feedback and taking on new challenges. If you hired him, you will won not only a great asset, also astonishing human being.
It was something exciting to work with Jesus. He was a good lead and he was always willing to help me when I needed. He has a significant experience in Frontend, experience that allowed us to create great products.